powering wellbeing experiences

Challenge FAQ
Which mobile devices support the Walking Challenge app?
Heka Health Walking Challenge apps are supported on the following mobile platforms:
Apps are supported on iPhones & iPads with the three or four most recent major iOS versions (e.g., iOS 14,13, 12, 11).
For participants that don’t have one of the supported mobile devices listed above, you can sync your step data at a Heka Health kiosk station if it is available for your Challenge program.
How do I register for a Challenge?
For Heka Well app Challenges: Download the Heka Well Challenge app, select your Challenge from the list of available Challenges. If you just want to try it out for yourself, select the Personal Challenge. Complete the User Registration fields and select Accept.
For Custom app Challenges (e.g., Tyler Connect Wellness, SNA Strive to Thrive, HCCA Fitness): Download the Custom Challenge app and you will be prompted to fill out the User Registration and User Profile forms. (If you have previously registered you can simply click I already have an account).
How do I reset my Password
How do I pair my activity tracker to the app?
Participants can track their steps using their own personal Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin, or the step trackers integrated on their smartphone.
After registering in the Challenge app, you will be presented with a Select Tracker page (as shown in Image #1).
iOS users: select Apple Health app as your tracking device and allow the Challenge app to get step data from the Health app. You will then be taken to the Health App Step Sources page where you can select your device's name as shown in Image #2.
Note: You must activate the Apple Health app that is on your Apple iOS device before it will track steps. To activate, simply open the Apple Health app and follow the setup steps.
Click on the video below for an instruction on registration and pairing of the Apple Watch or the integrated step tracker in your iPhone to Apple Health.
Image #1: Select Tracker

Apple Watch and Withings
Apple Watch and Withings step data can also sync with the Walking Challenge app via Apple Health app. Select Apple Health app in the Select Tracker page and you will be shown a list of available Health App step sources as shown in Image #2. Select which Step Source you would like to use for the Challenge app.
Note: Apple Health can track step data from multiple sources. Thus, the total number of steps shown in your Health app may be a sum total of steps from more than one source.
To see how many steps that are coming just from your Apple Watch, open the Health app and click Steps then Data Sources & Access, and then your Watch name. This will show you only the number of steps tracked by your Apple Watch . You can follow the same procedure for any other step source including what steps are being calculated directly from your iPhone name.
Fitbit and Garmin
Select Fitbit or Garmin on the Select Tracker page. Enter your username and password for your Fitbit / Garmin account and accept the Sharing of your step data via the secure Oauth framework. Once that is setup, your step data will be transferred from the Fitbit / Garmin cloud to the Challenge app when you click Tap to sync steps on the Summary Page in the Challenge app.
Custom Heka Health Activity Trackers
Follow the instructions on How to setup and pair the custom activity tracker.
Image #2: Health App Source

How do I sync my step data to my app?
On the Summary page of your app, click the top area entitled Tap to sync steps (see Image #3). The app will connect to your tracker and start pulling the latest data from your tracker.
Step data from 3rd party trackers like Fitbit and Garmin require that step data from their tracking devices are first synced with their own app and cloud servers. Thus we recommend that you leave your 3rd party app open in the background so that data gets automatically synced.
Note: There can be up to a 15 minute delay in Garmin step data transfers.
Please make sure you are actively logged into the Challenge app and sync your step data frequently, at least one time a day as some data sources will not provide step data that is over 24 hours old.
What are Bonus Activities?
Image #3: Summary Page

Engage in multiple Wellness activities and earn bonus steps to reach your Challenge goals. Once the Challenge has started, and if applicable to your program, just press the Bonus Activities selector in the Heka Health Challenge App and select one of the following:
- Scan-In: How to Utilize the Scan-In Module
Meditate: How to Utilize in-app Meditation
Connect: How to Utilize Connect to Network
Nutrition: How to Utilize in-app Nutrition
Gentle Yoga: How to Utilize in-app Gentle Yoga

How do I charge my custom tracker and how often?
Follow the instructions on How to charge the custom activity tracker.
How often does the Challenge Leaderboard data get refreshed?
To view the in-app Leaderboard page, press the Leaderboard symbol in the lower right corner of the app screen (image #4). The Challenge statistics will start to update once the Challenge has started. (Image #5)
Data on the leaderboard is refreshed approximately once every 10 minutes and the local time zone is used.
Image #4: Summary Page

Image #5: Leaderboard Page

Additional Features
You can access the following additional features via the More button in the top right corner on the Summary or on the Leaderboard pages (see Image #6).
Find My Tracker: when selected your custom tracker will vibrate if it is within range of the app;
Account Settings: click Edit to enable update of your Challenge account settings such as:
- First name
- Last name
- Nickname (displays on rankings and on the leaderboard)
- Password (minimum 6 characters)
- Unit of measure for your distance of steps taken in the Challenge
- Paired tracker and option to Un-pair to select new device for pairing
- Attend a New Event to switch to a different challenge from a list of available challenges
- Team/Group (if applicable), the team/group that your steps belong to on the Team Leaderboard
- Country (if applicable), selected country that displays next to your nickname on the Challenge Leaderboard
In addition, Steps Uploaded and Scans Uploaded show progress on upload status of data from Challenge app to the Heka cloud server. Less than 100% indicates an incomplete upload.
Feedback: please provide your feedback, questions, comments on your Challenge experience via the Feedback page;
FAQ: FAQ to find answers to commonly asked Challenge app related questions;
Team Leaderboard: (if applicable), a link to an in-app display of a ranking (based on average steps) of the groups/teams will appear.
Note: The Top 25 Team leaders are updated approximately every 10 minutes and the local time zone is used.
Log Out: logs you out of the app.
Other features may be available depending on your specific Challenge
Image #6: Additional Features