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Gratitude Mindfulness

How to Utilize the Wellness Challenge in-app Gratitude Modules


1. Open the Challenge app and press the Bonus Activities selector (Image #1) on either the Summary or Leaderboard pages. Then tap either the Gratitude Audio or Gratitude Journal buttons (Image #2).  To provide context, we recommend you listen to the Gratitude Audio session prior to journaling. 

2. In the Gratitude Audio page (image #3), press the Play button and start the gratitude audio session. The app must stay open in order to listen to session. You can pause the audio and resume it later.  You will receive a confirmation and any applicable bonus steps/points once session is completed.

3. In the Gratitude Journal page (image #4), enter 3 things you are grateful for each day.  You will receive a confirmation and any applicable bonus steps/points once you have competed your Journal entries.  You can click 'View Previous Entries' to see a list of all your daily gratitudes.

Image #2: Select Gratitude Audio or Journal
Image #3: Gratitude Audio 
Image #4: Gratitude Journal
Image #1: Bonus Activities
New UI Dashboard screen.PNG
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